Welcome on my website
Things are quite more empty than before, the old website was a bit of a mess on some points so I'm slowly redoing things with Bulma
And of course as a good developer I'm pushing in prod plumbing

Ongoing projects


Website to host and play your music

Euphonia preview: Playing musics from the websitePlaying musics from the website
Euphonia preview: Uploading a new song using the Chrome extensionUploading a new song using the Chrome extension
Euphonia preview: Preview of the Android applicationPreview of the Android application


Drawing software

Magia preview: Drawing preview (Art by Fractal)Drawing preview (Art by Fractal)


Multipurpose Discord bot centered around Japanese culture

Sanara preview: Example of 'cosplay' command and download the content from the botExample of 'cosplay' command and download the content from the bot
Sanara preview: Example of 'translate' command by passing an imageExample of 'translate' command by passing an image
Sanara preview: Example of 'anime' game where user need to make a guess from a clipExample of 'anime' game where user need to make a guess from a clip


Katsis preview: Katsis Catcher, circle katsises to capture themKatsis Catcher, circle katsises to capture them
Katsis preview: Nano's Lab, look for hint arounds to find secret wordsNano's Lab, look for hint arounds to find secret words